“A Day in the Life” with Vancouver-based filmmaker lori lozinski

lori lozinski is a dear friend, collaborator, and inspiring filmmaker. She’s focused her entire career on telling socially conscious, character-driven stories with female creative talent.

Her award-winning producing work spans genres and styles including the Berlinale and TIFF film The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open to the 6000sq ft installation Transmissions. lori’s storytelling talent crosses features, documentaries and television series bringing her unique creativity and incredible talent to a wide range of projects.

As she’s transitioned her career to writing and directing, lori’s style and storytelling vision has come into even sharper focus. The short documentary The Pilgrimage for CBC Digital demonstrates her own filmmaking voice and her latest film A Motorcycle Saved My Life merges lori’s personal story with her visual storytelling to share an emotional tribute to family, isolation, and grief.

Her work embodies the Julia Cameron (The Artist’s Way) philosophy of “My creativity heals myself and others” while also championing so many other artists who have the privilege to work with her.

-Written by Lauren Grant, award-winning filmmaker

Lori Lozinzki
lori lozinski – Photo by: Chris Vautour
Lori Lozinzki
Behind-the-Scenes with A Motorcycle Saved My Life – Photo by: Chris Vautour
Chris Vautour & lori lozinski – Photo by: Chris Vautour
lori lozinski, Shreela Chakrabartty, Chenoa Kaufman, Teri Snelgrove, Diana Parry – Photo by: Chris Vautour
Diana Parry and Glory the horse – Photo by: Chris Vautour
Blake Sovdi, Diana Parry, Chris Vautour, Teri Snelgrove, lori lozinski, Brandy Auseth and Glory the horse – Photo by: Chris Vautour (taken by Adrien Gauthier)
Lori Lozinzki
Brielle Gauthier, lori lozinski, Diana Parry and Shreela Chakrabartty – Photo by: Chris Vautour
Lori Lozinzki
Diana Parry, Deb Lozinski, Wendy Verboom, Sherill Verboom, Tammy Verboom, lori lozinski and Stacey Lozinski – Photo by: Chris Vautour


Which ‘hood are you in?

I live in the beautiful West End community of Vancouver, BC.

What do you do?

I’m a filmmaker. I’ve been predominantly an independent producer since 2003 and in the last few years have begun focusing on writing and directing stories from my own perspective.

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently writing three feature films and two long-form documentary proposals. I’m also producing television series which currently has me in Winnipeg, MB on an exciting comedy series that will debut next year.

Where can we find your work?

My work can be found on CBC Gem, Crave, APTN, SuperChannel and beyond. My latest film, A Motorcycle Saved My Life, is now available for streaming on nfb.ca.



About Demian Vernieri 624 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.