“A Day in The Life” with Visual Artist Priscilla Yu

Priscilla Yu is a truly creative soul. Over the years I’ve known Priscilla, I’ve seen her art transform into many different mediums; paint, digital, sculptural, and fabric, and have even been privy to a few of her beautiful poems too. Each time, I am amazed by the stories she entwines into her pieces. Her art is a language which holds so many intricacies; every brush stroke has a purpose, and every colour has a meaning. When you get the opportunity to spend time with Priscilla, she brings you into her magical world and you get to experience things through her eyes.

Priscilla’s work has been showcased worldwide and she’s been commissioned by multiple large organizations such as Facebook, Instagram, Lululemon and 3M Scotch Tape. It doesn’t matter though who Priscilla is creating work for, her joy and dedication remain constant. Her north star remains bright. When Priscilla works on a project, I see how much life she breathes into it, so much so, you can’t help but revisit her work over and over, because each time you do, it lets you dive in a little deeper.

Written by Lauren – a close friend

Priscilla Yu
Enroute to my studio in the AM. A snapshot of my shadow.
Priscilla Yu
I thought I’d stop and take a selfie in this new helmet I bought.
Unsuspecting entrance to my art studio in Chinatown.
Priming some panels to be painted.
So grateful to get to see this sunset on my commute home.
Things get messy in my studio, and I’m happy that I have enough room to make the messes!
Priscilla Yu
I love sunsets if you couldn’t tell. Sneaking in an after-work sunset with my good friend Angela.
Priscilla Yu
Finished interior mural inserts, ready to be packaged and sent to a new retail store opening up in Gastown soon!


Which ’hood are you in?

Mount Pleasant / Cityhall

What do you do?

Freelance Visual Art and Design

What are you currently working on?

Mural for a new store interior opening up in Gastown soon.

Where can we find your work?

On my website or on Instagram