Vintage Photographs from Vancouver’s Most Popular Beaches

Popularity is just a matter of opinion. In the case of Vancouver’s beaches though, we think you’ll agree with the choices on this list. People have long been drawn to Vancouver’s various beaches to relax, swim, sunbathe, connect with nature, or to just escape the hustle and bustle of the city. In this simple collection, you’ll see photos dating back more than 100 years, many featuring folks doing the same things we do to this day. With summer officially here, Vancouver’s numerous beaches will again be filled with tourists and locals alike, basking in the sunshine and swimming in classic West Coast waves.

191-? – English Bay bathing beach
1917 – Second Beach
192-? – Kitsilano Beach
192-? – View of Spanish Banks from the Point Grey cliffs
1926 – Locarno Beach and Bathhouse
1941 – A boat and actors landing on the beach during the Narvaez Pageant at Ambleside Park
1946 – Third Beach
1962 – View of Sunset Beach from Burrard Bridge
1973 – Range on Wreck Beach at low tide

For a similar story please see my previous posts titled, Vintage Photographs of Parks from Around Vancouver.

1978 – Jericho Beach

The photos above were collected from the City of Vancouver Archives. If you’re interested, additional information can be found for each photograph on their website. Stay tuned for additional posts featuring historical photos from Vancouver, British Columbia, and across Western Canada. We’d love to know what you think in the comment section below.