Buy BC’s Wild BC Salmon with Green Goddess Dressing and Okanagan Peaches

Chef Ned Bell, Buy BC’s Chef Ambassador, shared with us this Buy BC’s Wild BC Salmon with Green Goddess recipe. Led by the province’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Buy BC is a program that promotes awareness and support for food and beverages produced in B.C.

Wild BC Salmon

Buy BC’s Wild BC Salmon with Green Goddess Dressing and Okanagan Peaches

Serves 4


– 1 head green romaine

– 4 portions of salmon, skin on or off, pin bones out

Green Goddess Dressing:

– 1 cup basil

– 1 cup flat parsley

– ½ cup mint

– 1 cup dill

– 1 cup chives

– 1 clove garlic

– 1 cup canola or sunflower oil

– 1 tbsp salt

– 2 cups raw peeled Agassiz hazelnuts + 2 cups water (soaked overnight in water)

Note: drain the hazelnuts, discard the water and replace with 1 cup water. The hazelnuts are used the make the dressing ‘creamy’ without adding dairy or avocado. If you didn’t want the nuts, you could add 2 ripe avocados or ½ cup of full fat yogurt to make the dressing silky smooth. I also don’t add citrus or vinegar to this dressing because it would make it harder to keep the dressing green.



Green Goddess Dressing:

In a really good quality blender, add the raw hazelnuts that have been soaked and the 1 cup water.

Puree with the salt for 2 minutes until smooth.

Add all the herbs and the oil.

Puree for 2-3 minutes.

Cooking Salmon:

Cook the BC Salmon your favourite way. A summertime BBQ is one of my go-to’s. I also love Cedar planked, pan seared, oven baked, raw, 😉 basically, I love eating Wild BC Salmon anyway!

Pan-Seared Salmon:
In a medium-sized stainless steel fry pan over medium heat, add 2 tbsp canola oil. you want a hot pan, with hot oil, not smoking hot but pretty darn hot. This will help the fish sear, gently become golden brown and delicious.

Season the Wild BC Salmon with kosher salt.

Carefully lay the fish into the pan, sauté for 2 minutes.

Flip the fish over in the pan, cook for an additional 1 to finish.

Serve the salmon with the romaine salad, garnish with the Green Goddess, the toasted hazelnuts and juicy fresh peaches or apricots or plums.



About Demian Vernieri 624 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.