Kitsilano is named after Khatsahlanogh, the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh chief, whose people inhabited the area long before the first settlers arrived. It was a vast tract of thick, lush rainforest but its location made it ripe for development. Jeremiah Rogers established the first logging camp, known as Jerry’s Cove, in the Kitsilano area. The name ‘Jericho Beach’ comes from this early settler. Another early homesteader was Sam Greer. In fact, Kitsilano Beach was originally named Greer Beach after him.

Kitsilano today is a desirable, upscale neighbourhood so it might come as a surprise that it got its start as a blue-collar resource town. Forestry, fisheries, and the Canadian Pacific Railway were burgeoning industries that brought many people looking for work to the area. Factories, warehouses, and sawmills were all constructed. As Vancouver grew, so too did Kits. The Lulu Island Railway connected this rapidly growing community to surrounding areas.

As with many historic communities, Kits has undergone significant changes over the years. The craftsman-style homes, a relic of the boom period during the early 20th century, are flanked by duplexes and apartment complexes. Even with the changes however, Kitsilano remains one of the most desirable neighbourhoods in the entire metro-Vancouver area.

For similar posts please view my previous stories including, Old Photographs from Granville Island, Vintage Photographs from Chinatown, Old Photographs of Coal Harbour in Vancouver, and Old Photographs from Gastown.

The photos above were collected from the City of Vancouver Archives. If you’re interested, additional information can be found for each photograph on their website. Stay tuned for additional posts featuring historical photos from Vancouver, British Columbia, and across Western Canada. We’d love to know what you think in the comment section below.