Wet Future hails from the Canadian west coast, yet their tantalizing music compares to the excitement of Brooklyn blues bands or LA punk-rock scenes. This high-octane alt-rock group consistently delivers the goods with a wildly sinister live-stage presence and an emphasis on creating a massive, raw sound that fans of many genres can get behind. Combining brutally honest lyrics with driving melodies, the group is looking for attention from their recently released full-length album titled “Under The Weather”. Under the weather is a window into the triumphant yet vulnerable spaces that Wet Future creates for its audiences. A start-to-finish listen is a satisfying journey through a roller coaster of emotions that, when blended together, feels like a perfect mix of both familiar and fresh sounds.
Wet Future
Alt Rock
# of Albums:
Latest Album:
Under the Weather
Latest Single:
Nothing (that’s the song name, not actual nothing, to avoid confusion )
Latest Video:
Favourite musician growing up:
The Beatles
Favourite musician now:
Guilty pleasure song:
Doctor Jones by Aqua
Live show ritual:
Ginger tea and/or beer with an encouraging band pep talk
Favourite local musician:
Peach Pit
EP or LP?
LP when I get the chance
Early bird or night owl?
Generally night owl
Road or studio?
Taking it to the road for the first time this October so it’ll have to be studio for now!
Any shows or albums coming up?
Our debut album “Under the Weather” came out at the beginning of the year and is available wherever you stream music! We also have a couple of shows lined up, April 22nd @ The Queens in Nanaimo and May 19th @ The Victoria Event Centre with Vancouver’s fabulous Brass Camel, but we are most excited to be playing at the Laketown Shaketown festival this year on June 30th!!
Where can we follow you?
Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Website
Rapid Fire Questions:
What is your favourite local restaurant?
I’m a sucker for breakfast food and no one does it better than The Blue Fox on Fort.
What is your favourite street in your city and why?
Fernwood Road because it’s a gorgeous stretch of character homes, thriving local businesses, and holds a lot of memories.
What is your favourite park in your city and why?
Beacon Hill park because it’s huge and beautiful. Peacocks, a petting zoo and waterfront views, can’t beat it.
What is your favourite music venue in your city?
Capital Ballroom is pretty ballin. Great sound and fantastic stage.
What is your favourite music store in your city?
Vinyl Envy. Extremely supportive of the music community and a great spot to hang out and shop for records.