Chatting with Actress and Comedian Sophia Maria Josephine Johnson

Sophia Maria Josephine Johnson is an actress and comedian. She is part of Sunset Comedy, a women-run lively weekly event, that recently took part in the Just For Laughs Vancouver Festival 2023. We spoke with her to find out more about her influences and style.

Sophia Maria Josephine Johnson

How would you describe your comedy style?

I like to tell funny stories about myself and my family, I also talk about other things in case my family ever puts their foot down.

Who are some of your influences?

John Mulanely, Maria Bamford & Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice. All killers!

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

Robins Williams of course!

Who is your favourite comedian now?

Maria Bamford

What is your pre-show ritual?

Greenroom banter! I love giggling about how silly our lives are. And when comedians fake psych you out.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

The old Yuks on Cambie street. It’s the first place I ever saw my husband.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

I have a joke about getting an email from my dad. I’m proud that I managed to communicate the essence of my dad with the universality of having a dad. Also, my dad still doesn’t understand the joke.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Live comedy is the best! So I always try to check out any new comics coming to the city or in places I’m travelling! so… Eventbrite I guess…

Tell us a joke about your city.

The most shocking day for me in Vancouver was when weed became legal. I moved here from New Zealand three months earlier. I was amazed when my roommate told me it was now legal. I said “wow it’s been ILLEGAL THIS WHOLE TIME!

Where can we follow you?


PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

Ross Dauk is Hilarious! He has a really great local show called Jokes Please. Which you must check out if you haven’t already!



About Demian Vernieri 624 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.