For nearly a decade, Andrew Wade has been at the heart of Richmond’s arts scene, advocating for local artists and fostering creative opportunities. As the Executive Director of the Richmond Arts Coalition (RAC), Wade leads a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to connecting artists with audiences, funding, and essential resources. An accomplished theatre artist himself, Wade’s passion for the arts extends beyond advocacy—his work as a playwright and performer has graced stages across Canada.
Describe your charity/non-profit/volunteer work in a few sentences.
The Richmond Arts Coalition is a non-profit, volunteer-run arts advocacy organization that connects artists with opportunities, audiences to artists, and funding/support to the arts. The organization is primarily a group of volunteers, myself as a staff person, and others who we hire on an activity-by-activity basis. Much of my work involves running a website with listings of arts events and artist calls; writing newsletters; administering artist calls for events such as the Richmond Maritime Festival, ArtRich, and Songs in the Snow; co-organizing the Richmond Arts Awards and artist workshops; managing social media accounts, and writing grant applications and reports. And doing whatever my nine volunteer bosses ask me to do.
What problem does it aim to solve?
RAC was formed to be a voice for artists for all different art forms within Richmond. At the time, it was felt that Richmond lacked that sort of organization that, for instance, the City of Richmond could reach out to for information and independent support. We also advocate for sorely needed new, purpose-built arts spaces within Richmond. We are here to help solve the problems facing Richmond artists, both amateur and professional, as they pursue their artistic dreams.
When did you start/join it?
I joined RAC as a volunteer back in 2014 and transitioned to being a part-time staff person in 2016.
What made you want to get involved?
At the time, the only board person involved in the theatre community was moving away and wanted to ensure that the art form was represented on RAC’s board of directors. I joined on to fill that gap, and because I’m a cleric-class sort of person: I like to help people. I aim to be a Really Useful Engine. I love seeing others succeed in making the art they enjoy!
What was the situation like when you started?
RAC has always been blessed to have a core group of dedicated volunteers who love our community. The names of those people have changed over the years, but from its start in 2005, up to this day, RAC has kept that strength. That said, there was a lot of technological updating to do, in particular. Rescuing the membership database that was stuck inside a Microsoft Access 2001 filetype was… memorable.
How has it changed since?
We aim to meet artists and the arts community where they are. This has meant bringing artist calls online, even creating an entire 3D art gallery for Youth ArtRich 2024. It means adding and updating different social media platforms from Facebook to Instagram to Threads and now to Bluesky. How we communicate with politicians has also changed. With every election (municipal, provincial, and federal), we put out a list of arts questions to all candidates, and then share those responses in non-partisan ways on our website and by email. New as of a year ago, we now have an actual physical location, inside the Richmond Cultural Centre Annex at 7660 Minoru Gate in Richmond. We have so many opportunities available for helping local artists, but all of it is admittedly limited by whatever grants and membership fees we are able to secure.
What more needs to be done?
The more people who engage with the arts, the better! We have upcoming artist calls this year for ArtRich (visual artists), the Richmond Maritime Festival (performers), Songs in the Snow (performers), and Culture Days (artist-led youth workshops). We also right now are looking for nominations for the Richmond Arts Awards! Without nominations, that program won’t be able to keep running. More info here.
The City of Richmond is also currently conducting an Arts Needs Assessment (after much advocacy from ourselves) to see what new facilities are needed within Richmond. We want to see our community connect with that as much as possible, as the city’s population has grown, while our arts facilities have not kept pace.
How can our readers help?
A few ways!
– Nominate an artist, arts organization, business, or volunteer for an award! More info here
– Sign up for our newsletter to receive the comprehensive monthly listing of artist calls and artist opportunities! While there is a Richmond focus, pretty much all of the opportunities are available for artists throughout the lower mainland (and many beyond):
– If you like what we do, consider becoming a member! Costs $20 for a year, with discounts for longer memberships. They really do help, especially when proving to grantors that we have community support.
– Talk to your local politicians and ask them to support the arts!
– Make art! Tell us how we can help you with that, and what barriers you are facing!
Do you have any events coming up?
The Richmond Arts Awards event itself will take place in May, Culture Days workshops in September/October, The Richmond Maritime Festival in August, and Songs in the Snow and ArtRich will happen in November/December of this year. More details, including the artist calls, will be shared in the newsletter.
Where can we follow you?
Website | Artist calls | Arts events calendar | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Threads | Bluesky
PAY IT FORWARD: What is an awesome local charity that you love?
I am a big fan of ArtsBC and how they bring together arts communities from across the province, to learn and work together to make life better for artists. They run annual conferences, online webinars and meetups, and do a lot of advocacy for the arts. You can check them out at