“A Day in the Life” with Vancouver Playwright Cheyenne Rouleau

When Cheyenne Rouleau and I locked eyes across the dingy basement where we were pretending to be other people (Acting class), it was best friendship at first sight. Maybe it was the size of her shocking red hair (teased to the gods), maybe it was her incredible fashion sense (if Lady Gaga was from the 70s), maybe it was her interpretation of Harper from Angels in America (unhinged in the best way)— there were an infinite number of reasons why I fell in love with Cheyenne, not least of all which was her one-of-a-kind wit.

Since graduating from Studio 58, Cheyenne has not stopped making the Vancouver theatre scene laugh: writing and performing sketch comedy, selling out her award-winning comedic plays, and getting cast as the comedic relief in basically every TV show that films there. Though her talents know no bounds, her sense of humour is her superpower.

It takes a certain type of comedian to say something new, something powerful and smart but also a bit subversive but most of all FUNNY while also being silly in good measure. Cheyenne navigates this with ease, not only in her writing but also in her performance. It comes naturally to her—she lives and sees the world through a comedic lens. To put it simply: she’s a funny person. With great hair.

-Written by Katey Hoffman, best friend and collaborator

Cheyenne Rouleau
With the cast and crew of Dr. Fishpants.
Cheyenne Rouleau
Behind the scenes of It’s Just My Thing.
Postshow – Lxdyparts Lockdown. Photo by: Sarah Mabberley.
Lxdyparts promo photo. Photo by: Sarah Mabberley.
Another photo from Lxyparts. Photo by: Sarah Mabberley.
Softball. Photo by: Sarah Mabberley.
Cheyenne Rouleau
After After Party promo. Photo by: Sarah Mabberley.
Cheyenne Rouleau
Behind the scenes of the Blood and Guts Festival. Photo by: Chelsea Brown.


Which ’hood are you in?

The one and only East Van, baby! Specifically, Cedar Cottage: where the trucks coming down Clark are loud, the one good pub was just torn down, and where my catalytic converter has been cut out of my car three times. But hey, I have a yard.

What do you do?

As a broke millennial with a new baby, my best. But specifically, I pay the bills with acting, writing, and producing, which if you told 20-year-old Cheyenne she probably wouldn’t believe you. These days, that mostly consists of writing jokes in my Notes app at 3 am with one hand while feeding my baby with the other.

What are you currently working on?

I am stoked beyond belief to have my play, Sunrise Betties, finally going into production with ITSAZOO Theatre this February. It has been a labour of love writing this piece for the last 6 (?!) years after I stumbled upon the fantastic book, The Last Gang in Town by Aaron Chapman and engrossed myself in Vancouver’s sordid history with blue-collar gangs in East Van. With the tireless help of ITSAZOO, we finally get to bring this fictional all-woman gang to life on stage and I’ve never been more excited to see a bunch of broads f*ck sh*t up. In a good way.

Where can we find your work?

Sunrise Betties runs at the Russian Hall from February 21st to March 10th. After that, my one-woman stand-up/ storytelling show, Fat Joke, premiers at the Cultch in April. After that, I will nap. Hopefully.


About Emilea Semancik 196 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: