My Digital Life: Vancouver Content Creator Codi Lynn

Codi Lynn, aka @creativecodilynn, exudes creativity and warmth through her engaging content on Instagram and TikTok. With a decade-long journey in the digital sphere, her platform initially bloomed as Creative Wife & Joyful Worker before evolving into its current iteration. Her content resonates with a diverse audience, offering a blend of lifestyle insights, authentic motherhood anecdotes, and unwavering support for local businesses.

Codi Lynn

What is your channel called and what is it about?

My most active channels are Instagram and TikTok, you can find me at @creativecodilynn on both platforms. What I love the most about creating and sharing through Instagram and TikTok now is the ability to connect with like-minded creatives, supporting and feeling supported by other mothers and entrepreneurs. I share a lot of my daily life as a working content creator, love supporting local businesses and getting creative in all forms to bring a smile to your face.

When did you start it? What motivated you at the beginning?

Ten years ago I started my blog and Instagram as Creative Wife & Joyful Worker, over time I’ve shortened the name for social media and you can now find me as @creativecodilynn. I started my page as a way to connect as a graphic designer with local businesses and my page has grown and evolved to the space it is today, sharing favourite places, honest motherhood moments and daily lifestyle content.

Who were you inspired by? Any influences?

Throughout my years of creating I have had a number of different accounts that I am inspired by. Inspiration comes from all different places, seeing people start fresh and put themselves out there is so vulnerable and inspiring to me, as well as those that I have seen grinding for years to build their platform up and have I’ve seen have a lot of growth in the last few years. Two ladies, with very different accounts but both the first names that come to my head when I think of the hard work I know they put in and are seeing tremendous success are: @breanneallarie and @whitneyjco

How would you describe your audience?

Because the content that I share is very much not niched down, I always describe my audience as very well-rounded, down-to-earth, curious and open-minded. I’m often sharing new places, new recipes, and new products making my content very much lifestyle and day-to-day. I’d say overall my audience is supportive, curious and open to new ideas.

What is your creative process? Do you have people who work with you?

Over the past ten years, I have seen the ebbs and flows of running my social media as a business, which directly reflects how much time and energy I put into it myself. My Instagram and TikTok are a business on their own that I work on my own with. While I do collaborate with other businesses and we can come together to create content, the everyday tasks are handled on my own.

How do you monetize your content? Do you also have another job?

I’ve monetized my blog and Instagram channels over the past seven years. There are a few ways that bloggers and content creators monetize their platforms, for me my main source of income comes from direct brand partnerships. This could be a paid-to-post partnership or creating user-generated content that the brand will post. The other most common way I earn through my platforms is through affiliate marketing, many brands have their own platforms as well as Amazon has a huge creator network. I do also have another job, where I am subcontracted to create content for local brands’ social media platforms through a PR and communications company.

What is your favourite piece of content you have created?

Oh, man! To just pick one favourite. I think one collaboration that I am most proud of is working with the local shopping centre near me. When I first started blogging it was a goal of mine to be able to work with them and before the owners sold I worked with them on so many projects over a span of a few years. One of my absolute favourite projects together was where I got to use my graphic design skills and work together with them to create a design that would be set up as a mural wall. Here’s a link to the post I shared.

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

I’ll start with the “worst” or hardest part is that there really are no breaks. I am always thinking about new creative ideas or will be out and think ah I should film that for a post. It’s shutting my brain off from creative work mode which can be the hardest. The best part is the community that I have been able to make and the opportunities that have come along with that. I’ve been able to connect with so many absolutely brilliant and creative’s that I would never have imagined possible without social media. It’s led me on trips to model at all-inclusive resorts in Mexico, speak on panels with creators I’ve looked up to and be able to allow me to support my family by doing something I love every single day.

What are your future plans for your channel?

I’d love to share more fashion, potentially even starting a whole other page that is a lot more niched down. I love sharing a broad lifestyle perspective but I also know the value and success that can come from a very solid niche page. So my future plans are determining whether or not I go the route of creating a subpage.

Where can we follow you?

Blog | Instagram | TikTok

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another Canadian content creator that you love?

Oh, there’s so many! I’ll share a few in different categories. Lifestyle: @breanneallerie, Fashion: @whitneyjco, Home: @cloe.thomson, Motherhood: @heydylopez_


About Emilea Semancik 190 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: