Tragedy Plus Time: Vancouver-based Comedian Greta Lin

Greta Lin is a Vancouver-based stand-up comedian. Using her freedom of self-expression not only to generate laughter but to inspire confidence and challenge the definition of beauty. We had the opportunity to speak with her and learn more about her comedy style, inspirations, what she is currently working on and more.

Greta Lin

How would you describe your comedy style?

I would describe my comedy style as satirical with a healthy dose of self-depreciation (and those who are close to me). My friends & my partner inspire many of my jokes & I would like to thank and apologize to them here.

Who are some of your influences?

Jimmy O Yang, Julie Kim, Aparna Nancherla, Ali Wong, Ronny Chieng

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

Russel Peters & Dayo Wong (known as the pioneer of stand-up comedy in Hong Kong).

Who is your favourite comedian now?

Jimmy O Yang & Joel Kim Booster

What is your pre-show ritual?

I filled ice-cold water in my Fellow thermos cup & take small sips until I have to get on stage.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

China Cloud Studio. Always a fun time there & the vibe is awesome. There are lounge chairs, sofas & a cute little bar. It’s like performing in someone’s living room.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

I have a bit about how I’m using piercings as a treatment for my body dysmorphia.

I love this joke because growing up with Asian beauty standards, I was always a very self-conscious person. Stand-up comedy (and my nose ring) helped me find the confidence I need to navigate the world. I want to challenge the status quo of what is considered beautiful, and maybe help other Asian girls feel better about their image & confidence as well.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Tiktok! I found so many new favourite comedians every day through reels and shorts on Tiktok/Instagram.

Tell us a joke about your city.

The affordability crisis is so bad now, I’ve started charging the rats living between my walls rent. Being a landlord is awesome!

Do you have anything to promote right now?

I run a show called Joke Books Comedy at Little Mountain Gallery. I’m also on season 2 of YVR Funny, coming out on TELUS Optik very soon. Check it out!

Where can we follow you?


PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

My friends Cassidy Furman & Cassidy Anhorn. Two fabulous humans doing amazing work in the city!



About Sabrina Greggain-Lord 34 Articles
My name is Sabrina Greggain-Lord and I am a Community Outreach worker for the Vancouver Guardian. I am passionate about writing and bringing recognition to those doing wonderful work within their communities.