Five Minutes With: Vancouver Country Musician Aline Deanna

Aline Deanna aims to capture the present moment with poeticism and humour all wrapped up in a bow of timeless country melodies. She is original and cunning in her songwriting and lends a nod to ever-inspiring songwriters such as John Hartford and Lucinda Williams. Drawing you in with her candid lyrics she can tell an entire story in one sentence with her unique voice. The spirit of old-time country/western music rings loud in her songwriting. She has released 1 record under her solo moniker “Aline Deanna”, 4 records with her band “Rumour Mill” and recorded with many others as a vocalist, fiddle player and mandolin player. When she isn’t touring with her own projects you can find her on the road fiddling and singing for other Canadian artists or at home songwriting on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia.

Aline Deanna
Photo by: Jesse Scheffelmeir


Aline Deanna





# of Albums:


Latest Album:

A Swimming Situation

Latest Single:

Chit Chat

Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

Avril Lavigne

Favourite musician now:

Currently, I have Johnny Clegg on heavy rotation, I wore his “Shadow Man” tape out listening to it so much in my car.. luckily I just found a replacement, phew.

Guilty pleasure song:

Walking On Broken Glass – Annie Lennox

Live show ritual:

I focus on the intention behind my performance. What am I really trying to say with these precious moments? It’s such a gift that people open their ears and souls to listen and I want to honour that. I take a moment before going on stage to be present in myself and the moment so I can perform with honesty. I close my eyes and focus on the feeling of my feet meeting the ground, it’s simple and it works for me.

Favourite local musician:

John Reischman

EP or LP?

LP for my heart and soul but EP for my wallet.

Early bird or night owl?

Mostly I just really like to sleep.

Road or studio?

That’s a tough choice but I think I gotta go with the road. I love the unexpected twists and turns and all the new faces I get to meet along the way. I find it really inspiring to be playing music for people every night and it fuels some of my best songwriting. Northern Alberta has a town that just has a giant sausage monument, what’s not to love about that? It’s this kind of pertinent information I’d miss out on if I didn’t tour…

Any shows or albums coming up?

I’m just finishing up the production of my second record. I’m so excited to release it this fall before I head out to Europe for a solo tour in September.

Where can we follow you?

InstagramFacebookYoutube | SpotifyWebsite


Rapid Fire Local Questions:

What is your favourite local restaurant?

Tamam in Vancouver is my new favourite, the food is absolutely incredible.

What is your favourite street in your city and why?

I currently live in Roberts Creek. So “city” is a bit of an overstatement. I like lower road ‘cause it’s a nice one for biking on and the Disc Golf course is there.

What is your favourite park in your city and why?

I like the Sechelt Inlet Marine Park. I like to paddle around and look at stuff, I saw a sea star the size of a beach ball once.

What is your favourite music venue in your city?

I really like The Hollywood. It’s got it all, vibe, good sound & lights and a tiered seating area so a shorty like me can still see.

What is your favourite music store in your city?

I normally hit up the East Van Long and Macquade. They always have what I need and are super helpful.