Charitable Choices: Elissa Morrissette of BC Cancer Foundation

As the charitable partner of BC Cancer, the Foundation ensures that every dollar raised supports research and patient care within British Columbia. With cancer being one of the most pressing healthcare challenges today—affecting one in two people in their lifetime—donor support is vital to advancing treatments and ensuring access to cutting-edge care. We had the opportunity to speak with Elissa Morrissette, Vice President of Development at the BC Cancer Foundation, to talk about the Foundation’s growth and impact, and how readers can contribute to their mission.

BC Cancer Foundation

Describe your charity/non-profit/volunteer work in a few sentences

BC Cancer Foundation is the charitable partner of BC Cancer. Every dollar raised stays in B.C. to support advancing research and patient care across the province.

What problem does it aim to solve?

Cancer is the biggest healthcare problem we face; one in two people will be diagnosed during their lifetime. Donor support is absolutely crucial to developing more effective treatments and helping ensure access to the latest in life-saving care.

When did you start/join it?

I joined BC Cancer Foundation in 2012. It has been an absolute privilege to work alongside committed donors to fuel solutions and within a talented and dynamic team. I can genuinely say that I am inspired every single day.

What made you want to get involved?

I had been working for a cancer charity in the UK, and had the opportunity to visit and meet with the BC Cancer Foundation while on a personal trip to Vancouver. It was immediately apparent that philanthropy was directly driving so much innovation in research and care at BC Cancer, and I wanted to be a part of this.

What was the situation like when you started?

In 2012, BC Cancer had just opened BC Cancer – Prince George, their sixth cancer centre, alongside centres in Vancouver, Kelowna, Surrey, Victoria and Abbotsford.  BC Cancer Foundation and our donors were making lead investments in innovative new programs, such as immunotherapy and genomics – programs which are now making real impact for families facing cancer today and saving lives. For example, a BC Cancer immunotherapy clinical trial for certain blood cancers is showing very promising response rates in patients who otherwise were out of treatment options, including several patients who are now cancer-free.

How has it changed since?

Thanks to our incredible donor community and our shared vision, BC Cancer Foundation’s ability to make transformational investments to fuel progress has grown significantly.

Early detection of cancer, for example, is an area where there have been significant strides. B.C. was the first province– in large part thanks to $2 million in support from BC Cancer Foundation donors – to launch a provincial lung cancer screening program. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths and early detection is critical to more successful treatments. Since its launch in 2022, the program has screened more than 14,000 British Columbians at high risk of lung cancer and diagnosed 74% of cancers at earlier, more treatable stages (compared to less than 30% without screening).

There are also four new BC Cancer centres under development across the province, which will nearly double BC Cancer’s footprint and ensure more patients can access world-class care close to home. We are proud to be fundraising in support of each new centre.

What more needs to be done?

Research continues to evolve rapidly, and so does new technology. We are committed to helping bring the most cutting-edge tools to BC Cancer centres and patients across the province.

Here in Vancouver, we are partnering with donors to bring a best-in-class suite of diagnostic, imaging and radiation equipment to BC Cancer – Vancouver.  This includes a next-generation PET-CT scanner that will be the first of its kind in Canada, reducing scan times from the current standard of 40 minutes to just two minutes. This technology can not only identify cancer with a much higher degree of sensitivity but will also support research into the development of new treatments.

I’m also provided so much hope by the incredible research taking place in our own backyard at BC Cancer’s L.J. Blackmore Cancer Research Centre. There are countless world-renowned scientists leading studies and teams who are at the forefront of discovery – and donors to BC Cancer Foundation make this possible.

How can our readers help?

Visit our website to donate or learn more. You can make a one-time gift or sign up as a monthly donor. We also are grateful to our legacy donors, who have generously included BC Cancer Foundation in their estate plans.

Do you have any events coming up?

Registration is open for the Capilano Volkswagen Cypress Challenge presented by Glotman Simpson Cycling. Taking place on July 27, 2025, this is a 12km ride up Cypress Mountain

Workout to Conquer Cancer challenges you to be active every day in May, while fundraising for BC Cancer Foundation. Registration is open!

You can also look for community events supporting the Foundation here.

Where can we follow you?

Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn

PAY IT FORWARD: What is an awesome local charity that you love?

Whole Way House is a wonderful organization providing programming, connection and support to low-income seniors and veterans who are at risk of homelessness.  I have had the pleasure of meeting their founder, Jenny Konkin, and learned that seniors are the fastest-growing segment of the population experiencing homelessness – this fact has stayed with me. They are doing fantastic work, rooted in compassion and community.


About Demian Vernieri 640 Articles
Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.