Removing Wedding Day Hustle: How Food Truck Catering Can Help You

If traditional wedding catering seems too boring for your big day and you need something extravagant, try out food truck catering. These delicious meals on wheels offer a popular alternative to age-old traditional dinner arrangements. Additionally, they offer guests a unique and memorable experience that will stay in their hearts forever.   

Photo by Thomas William on Unsplash

Whether you want to serve steaks or simple tacos to commemorate the day you visited a great taco truck, there is something for all. Conversely, there is simply no inspiration for food or drink options when considering a food truck. Plus, food trucks are mostly local businesses that use authentic recipes and fresh ingredients.   

In this way, you can support local businesses and give your guests a memory of their lifetime. Hence, if you are quirky and prefer non-traditional options, read our comprehensive guide to learn everything you need to know about having a food truck wedding.   

Things to Consider Before You Plan a Food Truck Catering

In recent times, traditional weddings have taken a backseat, and adventurous couples are finding new ways to personalize their big day.  

Food truck weddings are perfect for couples who do not want a traditional buffet or sit-down meal. If you are interested in having a food truck wedding and don’t know where to begin, we’ve got you covered.

Your Guest Count

Before you set out to book the food truck, consider the guest headcount. Based on the expected number of guests, you can assume that many food trucks will be needed.  

One food truck can easily cater for 100 to 150 guests. However, if you are expected to have a longer guest list, try booking two food trucks. In this way, you will avoid long queues that might frustrate your guests. 

Kind of Food You Want to Serve

The next and one of the key elements to consider is the course or choice of meals. Ask yourself whether you want the food truck to serve appetizers, desserts, cocktails, or an entire meal. The time factor becomes an essential element when you make this choice.  

Knowing the course or food you want food trucks to serve will reduce wait time for guests and offer quick foodie solutions. For instance, a cocktail bar on wheels will serve guests more quickly than a full-course meal.  

You can also mix and match traditional and food truck options by serving only drinks and desserts by food trucks while maintaining traditional dining seating.   

Regulations to Consider

Before booking your food truck, ensure that you have conducted thorough research on food truck laws, regulations, and permits in terms of your location and wedding venue. Consider the limitations of food truck catering companies.  

Many food truck catering businesses have venue accessibility regulations and food serving and parking laws. 

Also, your venue has regulations in terms of food trucks, such as the required distance of food trucks from the venue. 

Have a Plan-B

Bad weather will become your worst enemy if you don’t have a contingency plan in place.  

As food trucks are parked outdoors, rain or other severe weather might ruin your big day. Hence, just to be on the safe side, rent a tent, which might come in handy if weather conditions go haywire.   

Why Food Truck Catering for Wedding is the Best Option

Food truck catering has become very popular, especially in the post-pandemic world. This popularity has logical grounds, and we are here to decipher it.  

Learn why food truck weddings are a better choice than traditional wedding catering.   

Cost Effective

In comparison to traditional catering options, food trucks are highly cost-effective. The head cost at food trucks tends to be around $10 to $20. On the other hand, traditional catering averages over $70 per head.  

Hence, food trucks are the best money-saving option for couples. Additionally, traditional catering calls for fancy tableware, linens, and fancy food options that amount to a high price tag. You can save a huge amount of money by eliminating traditional catering and delving into the world of preppy food trucks.   

Fresh and Delicious Food

Traditional caterers are known to prepare their food long hours before the event. Conversely, guests can choose their food options or serve themselves in buffet style.  

On the other hand, food trucks offer a fresh, mobile food preparation service that serves fresh and hot food on demand. With even smaller weddings, some food trucks can also prepare a fresh five-course meal.   

Add Life to the Party

Formal weddings can get very boring. A food truck creates an environment of excitement and enthusiasm. With food trucks, the awkward silence of guests can be broken with a hearty conversation by the food truck.  

Food trucks are known to break the awkwardness and create a homely feeling for guests as if you are visiting a local taco truck with friends or family. Moreover, food trucks give your guests the option to dine flexibly in their own time.  

Hence, with food trucks at your wedding, your guests do not have to wait for the dining window to open. They can simply eat when they want.   

Easy Onsite Cleanup

Since food trucks serve food in disposable containers with plastic cutlery and utensils, cleanup becomes easy. There is no need to clean up the venue or remove plates. 

Furthermore, couples can breathe a sigh of relief with food trucks as the utensils served are also child-proof. 

Hence, there is no extra tension of breakage of fancy utensils that add extra costs. Guests can simply dispose of their containers in trash cans and continue to enjoy the party or go back for more. 

Have a Trendy Food Truck Wedding

Are you looking for a fun, trendy, and convenient catering option for your big day? Then, a food truck may be just the right thing for you. Using all the above information, you have everything you need to know to confidently book the perfect food truck wedding caterer. 

However, ensure clear communication with your food truck caterer, and have a marvelous wedding! 

So, what are you waiting for? The days are passing by, so it’s time to plan!